"If you want to win something, run 100 meters. If you want to experience something, run a marathon" - Emil Zatopek

Monday, June 13, 2011

Week of June 6th -12th

3 Easy runs of 5-6 miles @ 7:30-8:30 pace
1 Recovery day:  rest or 2-3 mile jog
3 Stress Workouts
                Stress 1:  4 x 1 mile @ 5:40-5:50 with .5 mile jog recovery (1 mile warm-up and cool-down)
               Stress 2:  3.5 mile Progression Tempo run @ 6:30 1st mile – 6:00 pace last half mile
   (1 mile warm-up and cool-down)
               Stress 3:  12-14 miles easy pace (7:30-8:30 pace)

Stress 1 - 5:47, 5:46, 5:48, 5:47
Stress 2 - 6:27, 6:15, 6:05, 3:01 (Half)
Stress 3 - 14.14 in 1:50:09

Total Mileage - 47.22

This week the heat was down from last week and I ran a couple times inside.  The 4x1 Mile Repeats were challenging but the most entertaining part was on the way home (Click here).

Thursday's Progressive run looked to be a reasonable easily run for a stress run.  Also it had rained early in the afternoon so it was a little cooler.  I chose a hilly course (which really I did not choose that is just the way it is running in Charlotte).  I had some downhill on the first mile but rolling hills after that and finished the last .25 mile up a hill at ~6:00 minute pace.  I am not sure if it was the heat, the speed, and/or the hills but I was spent at the end.  After my cool down, the body was tired.  I think the trifecta made that a brutal run, but what don't kill you makes you stronger.

Friday was an easy run after work.  Saturday's long run had me out the door by 8ish and that just won't cut it in the summer time.  Nice run, but it was pretty warm and super humid by the end of the run. I have got to get started earlier if I am going to survive the summer.
Sunday was one of my favorite runs of the week.  Only 2.8 miles but I got to run with this chick.

Sunday Running Partner

Nice week of running and I really looking forward to next week and getting a race in.

1 comment:

  1. Aww! That's sweet. She looked like she was having fun too!
